  • 2024 Incheon Airport Transfer Tour Operation Service(Incheon International Airport)
  • Operating Incheon International Airport(T1, T2) Concierge Desks
  • 2023 KOREA MICE EXPO(Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, Korea Mice Association)
  • 2023 ABU SEOUL General Assembly(KBS(Korean Broadcasting System))
  • 2023 Philippine MICE Roadshow 2023(Busan/Yeosu/Suwon/Seoul) (Department of Tourism Philippines)
  • 2023 Jeollabukdo_On_Festa(Jeollabuk-do)
  • Operating Incheon Airport Transit Tour & K-Culture Zone(Incheon Airport Corporation)
  • Operating a tourism program for foreigners attending international conferences/conventions(Korea Tourism Organization)
  • SITM Seoul International Travel Mart(Seoul Tourism Organization)
  • High-End Travel Mart(Korea Tourism Organization)
  • Operating and Publicizing 2023 Korea Tour Card(Visit Korea Committee)
  • Seoul Tour Information Session(Taiwan Waves of Wonder)
  • Overseas Attraction Marketing – 2023 World Traditional Medicine & Anti-aging EXPO in Sancheong(Incorporated Foundation of World Traditional Medicine & Anti-aging EXPO Organization Committee)
  • Overseas Attractive Marketing Associated Seoul Tourism Organization(Seoul Tourism Organization)
  • Overseas Attractive Marketing Associated Korea Tourism Organization(Korea Tourism Organization)
  • Developing Incheon Tourism Product – 2023 INK Concert(Incheon Tourism Organization)
  • ILTM International Luxury Travel Market(Singapore)
  • Marketing K-Jeollabukdo_On_Travel Fiesta(Malaysia)
  • Operating Incheon International Airport(T1, T2) Concierge Desks
  • Operating Local Airports Concierge Desks(Daegu, Gimhae)
  • Operating Medical Korea’s Medical Tourism Support Center(Ministry of Health and Welfare)
  • Operating Shopping Travel Lounge(Jeonbuk Culture & Tourism Foundation)
  • 2023 Tourism Guide Business for Foreigners Entering the Country in Local Airport(Korea Tourism Association)
  • Operating and Publicizing Seongdong-gu Seong-su Tourist Information Center(Seoul Seongdong-gu)
  • Operating Medical Tourism Support Center(Korea Health Industry Development Institute)
  • Operating and Publicizing 2022 Korea Tour Card(Visit Korea Committee)
  • 2022 Tourism Guide Business for Foreigners Entering the Country in Local Airport(Korea Tourism Association)
  • Developing and Publicizing University Students’ Regional Co-Prosperity Tourism Contents(Seoul)
  • Publicizing the Event – Eoseulleong-Eoseulleong Healing Jeonbuk Travel(Incorporated Association of Jeonbuk Development Institute)
  • Hosting a Citizen Participation Event with Unique Venue(Incheon Tourism Organization)
  • Operating 2022 Seoul MICE Safety Care Service Program(Seoul Tourism Organization)
  • Publicizing the On · Off-line events – Campaign Think Earth & Us All Together
  • Operating Information Desk of DMZ Peace Trail(Korea Tourism Organization)
  • Operating Mapo-gu Tourist Information Center & Mapo Tourist Information Car(Mapo-gu Office)
  • Production Service of Incheon Songdo International Conference Complex Zone’s Team Building Contents(Incheon Tourism Organization)
  • Publicizing the Event Partnered with Incheon Tourism Organization Unique Venue(Incheon Tourism Organization)
  • Operating Travel Center(Incheon International Airport, Seoul Station, Gimhae International Airport, Jeonju-si and etc.)
  • Promoting and Marketing Inje Speedium(Inje Speedium)
  • Outsourcing Medical Korea’s Medical Tourism Support Center(Korea Health Industry Development Institute)
  • Operating and Publicizing 2021 Korea Tour Card(Incorporated Foundation of Visit Korea Committee)
  • Attraction Marketing – Foreign Tourists in Jeollabuk-do(Jeollabuk-do)

  • Service the Operation of Information Desk of 2021 DMZ Peace Trail(Korea Tourism Organization)
  • Outsourcing Mapo Tourist Information Center in Mapo-gu(Mapo-gu Office)
  • Agency Service – Developing and Publicizing University Students’ Regional Co-Prosperity Tourism Contents(Seoul)
  • Consultation and Briefing Sessions -2021 Suwon Mice Alliacnce B2B(Incorporated Foundation of Suwon Convention Center)
  • Planning, Operating and Setting up 2021 commemoration of Urban-Rural Exchange Day(Rural Resources Development Institute of Korea Rural Community Corporation)
  • Planning, Operating and Publicizing New Normal tourism product of Seoul(Seoul Tourism Organization)
  • Planning and Publicizing Unique Experience of Travel Package – After-Meal Geum River Scenery
  • Operating Travel Center(Incheon International Airport, Seoul Station, Gimhae International Airport, Jeonju-si and etc.)
    • Planning and Exhibit 2020 Global Financial EXPO(Wow TV)
    • Publicizing and Operating 2020 Information Desk of DMZ Peace Trail(Korea Tourism Organization)
    • Publicizing and Operating 2020 Mapo-gu Tourist Information Center(Mapo-gu Office)
    • Publicizing and Operating 2020 Seocho Tourist Information(Seocho City Office)
    • 2020 Visiting Hospitality Education for workers(Incorporated Association of Seoul Tourism Association)
    • 2020 Healing Music Enjoy with Comedians in Sancheong-gun Mirinae(Gyeongsangnamdo Sancheong-gun)
    • Planning, Operating and Setting up 2020 Campaign for a Summer Vacation in Rural Areas(Rural Resources Development Institute of Korea Rural Community Corporation)
    • Operating and Managing Incheon International Airport MICE Concierge Desks(Incorporated Association of Korea MICE Association)
    • Hosting Tourism Briefing and Consultation Sessions – Major cities(Philippines, China and etc.)
    • Publicizing K-Travel Global Jeonbuk Safe Tourism
    • Developing, Operating and Publicizing Seoul Quality Tour Program
    • Operating, Publicizing and Press Report Global Youth Smart-Tourism Network Shop(GYSN)
    • Foreign Tourists Attraction Marketing in Jeollabuk-do(Jeollabuk-do)
    • Operating 2020 Autumn Travel Month of Seoul Region Representation Program(Incorporated Foundation of Seoul Tourism Organization)
    • Developing and Operating 2020 Unique Experience of Travel Package – K-Tour Top 10 After-Meal Geum River Scenery(Incorporated Foundation of Iksan-cultural & tourism Foundation)
    • Operating and Publicizing Global Rural Tourism Supporters(Korea Rural Community Corporation)
    • Developing and Operating the Courses of IKsan Tourist Area(
    • Incorporated Foundation of Iksan-cultural & tourism Foundation)
    • Promoting and Marketing Inje Speedium(Inje Speedium)
    • 2019 Foreign Tourists Attraction Marketing in Jeollabuk-do(Jeollabuk-do)
    • Operating 2019 Regular Tour Bus(Seoul- Jeonbuk) for Foreigners only(Jeollabuk-do)
    • K-Tour Top 10 – 2019 Regional Tour Contents Business(Korea Tourism Organization)
    • Developing and Publicizing FIT Customized Product(Korea Tourism Organization)
    • Organizing the Event on Behalf of 2019 Wood and Forestry Fair(Korea Forestry Promotion Institute)
    • Science and ICT International Conference(National IT Industry Promotion Agency)
    • Publicizing and Operating Mapo-gu Tourist Information Center(Mapo-gu Office)
    • Publicizing and Operating Seocho Tourist Information(Seocho City Office)
    • Operating Incheon International Airport MICE Concierge Desks(Incorporated Association of Korea MICE Association)
    • Operating 2019 Information Desk of DMZ Peace Trail(Korea Tourism Organization)
    • Agency Service – 2019 Vietnam/Türkiye/Mongolia Goodwill National Defense Missions(Ministry of National Defense)
    • K-SAFETY EXPO 2019(Ministry of the Interior and Safety/Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)
    • Planning and Operating 2019 KGC(Korea Game Congress) Forum
    • Planning and Operating Annual Meetings of 75th IATA Hosted by Boeing
    • Planning and Operating 7th ASEAN Connectivity Forum
    • 2019 Jeollabuk-do Travel Mart Local Tourism EXPO(Jeollabuk-do)
    • Planning and Operating Seoul international business advisory council(SIBAC)

    • 2nd Korea Cup(GI) International Race of Korea Racing Authority(Korea Racing Authority)
    • 2019 Foundation Anniversary Ceremony of Conneco Co., Ltd.
    • CHANEL Event and Fashion Show
    • Occasional/Regular Welcome Reception Education of Incheon International Airport(Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism)
    • Operating Training center specializing in Protocol(IPC)
    • Training Foreigners exclusive Jeollabuk-do Shuttle Bus Guidance
    • Promoting and Marketing Inje Speedium(Inje Speedium)
  • Developing and Operating Valued Customer Service of Shinhan Financial Group(Shinhan Bank Co., Ltd.)
  • Planning and Operating 2018 WTA Global Innovation Forum(World Technopolis Association)
  • Planning and Operating 2018 Korea National Food Cluster and Food Festival International Conference(Korea National Food Cluster)
  • Publicizing and Operating Mapo-gu Tourist Information Center(Tourist Information Center, Tourist Information Car)(Mapo-gu Office)
  • Operating Seocho Tourist Information(Seocho City Office)
  • Developing and Operating Valued Customer Service of Shinhan Financial Group(Setting up and Operating Dedicated Desk/Customer Service) (Shinhan Securities CO.,LTD.)
  • Operating and Managing Incheon International Airport MICE Concierge Desks(Incorporated Association of Korea MICE Association)
  • Agency Service – 2nd Research Conference of the AACC(Association of Asian Constitutional Courts & Equivalent Instututions) SRD(Secretariat for Research and Development)(Constitutional Court of Korea)
  • Developing and Operating Valued Customer Service of Shinhan Financial Group(Shinhan Life Insurance Co., Ltd.)
  • Employee Training – Executives and Staff Members of KJC(KJC Co., Ltd.)
  • The 2nd phase of the 4th Industrial Revolution’s Macau, China and Suncheon corporate visit project, covered by People’s Daily China, Korea Economic Daily, and PREMIUMPASS INTERNATIONAL Inc.
  • FIT program “Innovation Leaders Course in the 4th Industrial Revolution” at Hanyang University – Japan overseas training, supported by Hanyang University and PREMIUMPASS INTERNATIONAL Inc.
  • 신한카드 우수고객 초청 및 관광&연수(IBK 기업은행)
  • HUBS FIT Forum 2018(한양대학교)
  • 2018년 MGLEP 연수생 정기워크숍(환경부, 국립환경인력개발원)
  • 서울 카페쇼 – 서울 커피 투어버스 운영(엑스포럼)
  • DX코리아 2018 대한민국 방위산업전(DX코리아)
  • 전에 없었던 무진장 夜한 투어((주)프리엄패스인터내셔널)
  • 환상의 쇼핑 & Hot한 파티 「행복한 “괌”여행」(아태마이스관광협희)
  • 파주북소리 2018 운영(출판도시문화재단)
  • 4차 산업혁명의 매가, 중국․선전 기업방문 프로젝트 -1차
  • DMZ 평화의 길 안내사무국운영
  • 제6차 OECD 세계포럼
  • 2018 평창동계올림픽 강원도미디어센터 운영 대행(강원도)
  • 2018 세계사격선수권대회 성공기념행사
  • 인천공항 입국환대 수시.정기 교육(문화체육관광부)
  • 외국인전용전북버스 가이드 교육
  • IPC의전교육전문 트레이닝 센터 운영
  • 신한금융그룹 우수고객 서비스 개발 및 운영(㈜신한은행)
  • 강원도미디어센터(GMC) 시설조성 및 운영대행 용역(강원도)
  • 2017 생태관광 및 지속가능관광 국제 컨퍼런스(대부해양관광본부)
  • 2017 ASIAN BIRD FAIR-ULSAN 제8회 아시아 조류 박람회(사)태화강생태관광협의회)
  • 신한금융그룹 우수고객 서비스 개발 및 운영(신한생명보험㈜)
  • 마포구 관광안내소 위탁운영(관광정보센터, 이동관광안내소), (마포구청)
  • 서초관광정보센터 위탁운영(서초구청)
  • WADA 집행위원회 및 이사회(한국도핑방지위원회)
  • 신한금융그룹 우수고객 서비스 개발 및 운영(㈜신한금융투자)
  • 신한금융그룹 우수고객 서비스 개발 및 운영(㈜신한카드
  • 인천국제공항 MICE 컨시어지데스크 운영 및 관리운영((사)한국마이스협회)
  • 2017 산청 쿨앤조이 뮤직페스티벌
  • 2017 무주 WTF 기획 및 운영
  • CHANEL 글로벌 이벤트
  • 2017 IFAWPCA
  • 2017 창원 방문의 해 기념행사 기획 및 운영
  • IPC 의전교육전문 트레이닝 센터 운영
  • 에미레이트항공(EK) 의전수송 기획 운영
  • 2016 지속가능관광 국제회의(GSTC) 개최
  • 청송 사과축제 기획 및 개발
  • 2016 한국반도체학술대회
  • 2016 창조 MICE 포럼
  • 2016 IGC (세계지질총회)
  • 2016 제 13회 아시아전시포럼
  • 2016 한국해양과학기술협의회 공동학술대회
  • 2016 송도컨벤시아 MICE 관광정보센터 오픈
  • 2016 방위사업청렴성제고 국제컨퍼런스
  • 2016 수원관광포럼
  • 마포구 관광정보센터 & 이동형관광안내소 홍보 및 운영 (마포구청)
  • IPC의전교육전문 트레이닝 센터 운영
  • 서울역 Travelers Lounge & 비즈니스 센터 오픈 (서울역 도심공항터미널)
  • 인천공항 입국장 환경개선사업 문화/관광통역 안내도우미 위탁 운영 사업
  • IPC의전교육전문 트레이닝 센터 운영
  • 경주화백컨벤션센터 이용객 편의를 위한 ‘프리미엄 트래블센터’ 오픈
  • 마포구 관광활성화 관광안내정보센터 위탁 운영(마포구청)
  • 2014 한중일 청소년교육관광 포럼 개최
  • 마포구 관광활성화 관광안내정보센터 위탁 운영(마포구청)
  • 명동 Travelers Lounge & Center 오픈
  • 2013 산청한의약엑스포 관람객 유치 마케팅 대행
  • 프리미엄트래블센터 김해공항(국제선) 오픈
  • KORAIL 공항철도 서울역 도심공항터미널 내 “프리미엄 트래블센터” 오픈
  • IPC의전교육전문 트레이닝 센터 운영(2014~
  • 인천국제공항 입국장 문화, 관광안내도우미 위탁 운영