PREMIUMPASS - signing of business agreement for Visit Jeonbuk campaign

2024-04-25 17:32

PREMIUMPASS - signing of business agreement
for Visit Jeonbuk campaign

▲PREMIUMPASS - signing of business agreement for Visit Jeonbuk campaign

▲PREMIUMPASS - signing of business agreement for Visit Jeonbuk campaign

PREMIUMPASS International(CEO Edwin Kim ), a global tourism company specializing in tourism & MICE convergence services, signed a business agreement
and participation in the declaration ceremony of the Visit Jeonbuk Campaign on April 4 to bring 100 million tourists to Jeonbuk Special Self-Governing

Visit Jeonbuk Campaign will be held through the signing of multilateral business agreements between 14 local governments, institutions, and the tourism
<br> industry, and will launch theme-specific accommodation products such as △ Korean food △ Taekwondo △ Traditional Culture △ Festival
△ Hallyu(Korean Wave) focusing on K-pop music videos, drama, movie filming locations, and Instagram tourist attractions.

PREMIUMPASS has agreed to plan/develop tourism products suitable for 14 cities and counties, including Jeonju/Wanju (Hanok),
Gunsan/Kimje (Festival, Modern History), Iksan (Harim Chicken), Namwon (Performance, Hanbok), and Muju (Taegwondo), in Vietnam, Thailand,
the Philippines, and China.


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